A Look Into Bolivia

Bolivia is a majority indigenous nation, but that majority has always been excluded.

Evo Morales

Personally, I find Bolivia an amazing country. Even though it shares borders with the state where I live, Mato Grosso, the contrast between Brazil and Bolivia is big. Even though Brazil has a lot of culture of its own, it is still visible the European influence in the country, mostly Portuguese, but also Italian and German. Bolivia, in the other hand, is a majorly indigenous country, where the population conserved many of its culture.The border with Bolivia

I have visited the country, but I was very young when I did, so, I didn’t enjoy much plus I don’t remember very well. But this shouldn’t matter, I will make my best efforts to write something interesting, based on my own knowledge and experiences, plus some research with people who lives nearby or even there, since the country it’s famous for having Brazilian med school students, since the price is considerably lower than here.

Mountains in BoliviaBolivia has some remarkable peculiarities. One of the only South American countries that the majority of the population is native South Americans, speaking their own language together with Spanish. Another local fact is the use of the coca leaf tea, as a cultural and medicinal use. Since it’s a country of extreme high altitudes, the coca leaf is indicated against the effects on the human body.

Speaking about altitude, a large number of cities, including the capital La Paz, are locatedThe beauty of Bolivia above 3.000 meters! The local population is adapted of course, but for us, tourists, the effects can be severe as dizziness and headaches. It is funny when Brazilian football teams goes to play there and normally lose their games for a big score because of that. The Bolivian National team has made 6×1 against Argentina in La paz!!!!

In the other, the high altitudes provides beautiful images, with mountains covered of snow surrounding the cities, natural deserts and lakes, beauties that only the Andes can provide. It is defiantly a place worth to visit in a trip in South America!



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