December 1

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

Abbie Hoffman

Cold first day of DecemberHow incredible is this world. When one part of the world wakes up with the first sun rays, the other one – falling asleep at dark night. As well as when it’s a start of summer in one half of the world, it’s cold winter for other part. Life is so interesting – there is a contrast in everything. And this is one of such bright examples of contrast. We are separated by more than 17000 km and 5 hours time difference, different seasons, cultures, ways to live…

Ukrainian First Day of winter…

Today is the first dayDecember 1 in Ukraine of winter in the north hemisphere of the earth, like in Ukraine. It’s about 5 degree, cold, a bit rainy, cloudy day, but with feeling peace near the river. Still some wet yellow leaves on the ground remind that it was such a beautiful fall which didn’t really want to leave it for a one more year. It’s the time when warm days are Leaves on december 1already in the past and you can walk along wet streets but not for a long time and want to get home faster to get warm drinking hot lemon ginger tea. It’s a time when you already wait for white fluffy snow which makes you closer to the favorite Christmas and New Year time. But now I just enjoy smelling last fall’s air, trying to feel this transition between autumn and winter. Last Empty wet streets in Ukraineleaves on the trees leave a bit sadness inside you reminding that everything is so changeable in the world and soon the nature will be so naked against frost winter wind and trying to stay strong to the next spring. So it’s not really time to feel depressed as this day is unique and brings feelings that each day is special no matter of appearance…

And the same time when I was walking thinking of tough time and trying to get warm in this cold first winter day, my good friend Mauro was enjoying the first summer day, which made me feel this warm in far and wonderful Brazil and feel a desire to go to travel sooner again…

Brazilian First Day of Summer…

Morning. December 1So, here i am, on the other side of the planet, having my first day of summer. I don’t mean to sound stuck up, but summer for us is a bit different. Basically because it’s hot all over the year here Haha But there’s a difference that on summer we have a big amount of rains, normally following a very hot day.

Another point to consider is that, for being in a top of a mountain with almost 1000 metres of altitude, Chapada dos Guimarães has a lot different weather from the rest of Brazil. While in Cuiabá, just 60 kms away can be 35C, in Chapada it can be 27C, which is quite a difference!December 1 in Brazil

So, I woke up in the morning to go to work and I got caught up in the middle of a fog, which is a bit surprising for this time of the year. The temperature was 18C and I had to go back home to get a jacket. 18C is very cold!!!! It stayed like this until around 11:00am, when I left for my lunch break. The sun got out and the temperature raised till 25C, which made me look kinda silly on my jacket 😀

The first summer day in BrazilFor me, that is the perfect temperature. I already made plans to meet with a friend for a drink after work or eat something. About 3:00pm my workday was done and I went home, to rest a bit and prepare to go out, when suddenly the weather changed (again!) and a storm started to form.
A few minutes later it started and it was SO much water! We couldn’t get out without getting soaking wet plus the lightning was dangerous. It was like that for the whole night. The good side of this is that is amazing to sleep listening to the rain to fall 😀
So, here, in the other side of the planet, the beginning of summer was full of emotions! I could experience three kinds of weather in 24 hours, felt cold, felt hot and felt wet. A lot of different sensations! 😀


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